Four days before his scheduled surgery on his shoulder, Shah Rukh Khan turned up at a Mumbai hotel, in ripped-torn jeans and a black tee, sleeves casually pushed up his arms. A silver grey stole wound its way twice around the actor's neck, wondering whether to make a fashion statement or not.
As producer of Billu, formerly called Billu Barber ('Barber' was erased from the film's title, following protests from a section of the society who found the word offensive), Khan's daily commitments could leave anyone breathless. He presided over four functions one after another on the same day, all to promote his latest film.
Directed by Priyadarshan (Maalamaal Weekly, Hera Pheri), Billu stars Irrfan Khan and Lara Dutta who, Khan said, play Billu and Bindiya respectively. He added, "There is a saying that goes, 'East is East and West is West, and never the twain shall meet'. (In the film) We wanted to ask, 'Can the twain meet?' Possible or not, that is what the film is centered around."
Khan treated the media to a reading of the synopsis of Billu, calling himself an "alien" who enters Billu and Bindiya's life. More from the press conference.
You have said you would like to do an ordinary role in a realistic film. Why didn't you play the lead in Billu?
My director (Priyadarshan) said no one could play the lead in Billu except for Irrfan. He didn't want any other big star, just Irrfan because we all know he is a brilliant actor.
I thought I should fight for the role, but then I just let it be because I get to play a superstar, which I am (laughs).
The word 'barber' had to be removed from the title of your film. Do you think it is fair?
Life is not about being fair or unfair. I make films for people. I want the audience to like them.
I have made films (earlier) which hurt a few senior stars. I have said sorry to them because it (the slight) was not intentional.
With Billu, the barbers' union told me very emotionally that the Hindi translation of the word 'barber' could be misused. I agreed and so we removed the word. Legally, there was no problem keeping it. But we often tease people with the Hindi word. Think about it.
Anyway, if a film is good, call it Ullu or Billu, people will still watch it.
It is all about give and take. If the film fits into the category of an existing product or one about to be launched, media buyers and media sellers associate that product with the film -- and both are promoted.
For example, Om Shanti Om fit a musical product, while Billu suits earthy products. Hence, plywood.
Aamir Khan recently said you are good at PR, but not at marketing. Do you want to prove him wrong?
I don't take compliments from people very seriously. I know what I have to do when it comes to my job. And I don't need to hear about it from other people.
I want people to go watch my film, so I promote it. Since I am producing this film, it is my responsibility. I don't think I need to explain myself.
People like me. That is why I endorse so many products.
Do you think I have worked hard for 20 years just to make a film to prove to someone that I am also good at marketing?
Aamir is a smart guy. I would like to know more about marketing from him.
Do you think now is the right time to revive your web site,
I would actually like to because I want a site related to me. That, and I am becoming more narcissistic by the day! There should be me and no one else!
After my surgery is done with, I will get started on this.
What is your take on blogging?
It is a very connective and vast medium where you can share your thoughts. Many stars are into it and it is all very well written.
In my case, the media conveys 90 per cent of my thoughts. What would I write about? I don't want to talk about my films or where I am shooting.
On my site, I will talk about Nature and human beings. I would like to talk to the youth and tell them anything is possible if you work hard.
You took off 'barber' from your film thanks to protests. Would you do the same for your next film, My Name Is Khan, should the public have a problem with the word, Khan?
I am just hoping I don't have to remove the word Billu from this film! Someone could suddenly come and say, "My name is Billu," and I will have to take it off.
I really don't want my film to release without a name. Then it will be just me, Irrfan and Lara posing for a film without a name.
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